Tutorial Ministry

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Ministry Leader: Sister Sharon Simpson
Tutoring - Zion Learning Center
Every Tuesday and Thursday | 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Mission Statement
The mission of the Zion Baptist Church tutoring program is to support learners of all ages with the tools necessary to fight illiteracy. Volunteers will help students to increase mastery of academic skills that will lead to improved self-esteem and self-confidence. This will result in improved student attitudes toward school.
Goals and Objectives
To improve the reading and mathematics ability of students K-5. Our tutoring program endeavors to include the parents and classroom teachers of the students we serve, by informing them of the students’ progress. We plan to meet this goal through the following objective: The tutoring program will serve 20 participants in grades k-5 who need to increase their reading and mathematics levels. Of the youth who receive at least 20 one-on-one tutoring sessions, the average reading and math grades of participating students will increase by one grade from the first to second semester as measured by school records and our internal testing.
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